WEBVTT 1 00:00:05.125 --> 00:00:07.250 In the settings section is possible to 2 00:00:07.250 --> 00:00:09.208 change the light option of the zones. 3 00:00:09.750 --> 00:00:11.791 It’s possible to modify the profile 4 00:00:11.791 --> 00:00:13.375 and set the two scenes. 5 00:00:21.625 --> 00:00:23.708 In the scenes can be defined the value 6 00:00:23.708 --> 00:00:25.958 of all luminaires or of the singolar lamp. 7 00:00:35.916 --> 00:00:39.083 In the test menue is possible to manually control 8 00:00:39.083 --> 00:00:42.083 the lights choosing a scene, make turned on o off 9 00:00:42.083 --> 00:00:45.375 or set in automatic mode that follow the zone instructions. 10 00:00:48.416 --> 00:00:51.250 With the sliders can be set a precise value.